Liberate Your Lineage: Healing Your Ancestral Karma in Partnership with Epigenetics

In my personal research and healing journey, I have discovered a connection between genetics and ancestral karma.

So, what is epigenetics? It is the study of changes in gene expression caused by interactions with the environment, rather than changes in the DNA itself. Our bodies are made up of DNA, which contains the instruction manual for our cells. Our genes give instructions for the creation of all the essential proteins in our bodies. Think of genes as chapters in the manual, each focused on specific categories, with proteins doing most of the work in our cells.

During fetal development, epigenetics determines a cell's specialization, such as a hair cell or a blood cell. However, as we interact with the world, our environment can impact our genes, turning them on or off, resulting in chemical modifications that can lead to an unhealthy state and illnesses such as cancer or dementia. This aspect can be referred to as nurture.

One recent aspect of epigenetics is the MTHFR mutation or SNP (pronounced "snip"). A SNP occurs when cells copy themselves to create new cells, and a mistake is made during this process, modifying the instructions in our manual. This can affect our appearance, immune system function, predisposition to diseases, and more. SNP's are inherited through our family tree, passed down from our parents and ancestors.

In his book "Dirty Genes," Dr. Ben Lynch emphasizes that "our genes are not our destiny." Environmental factors such as diet and water quality can turn genes on or off, and making changes in these areas can reverse or even eliminate health issues. Therefore, it is important to "clean your genes" by making positive changes in your lifestyle.

In summary, epigenetics highlights the connection between our environment, genes, and health, and emphasizes that our genes do not determine our destiny. By making positive changes in our lifestyle and environment, we can "clean our genes" and potentially reverse or eliminate health issues.

What is Karma?

In Buddhism, Karma is defined as the sum of a person’s actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as defining their future states of existence. Until recently, many people thought Karma was something that was predetermined and beyond our control. They believed that Karma, whether bad or good, was something that was meant to be and was part of our path or journey.

However, I now believe that Karma is often misunderstood as a reward or a punishment reaped from some other lifetime or experience. Instead, we must take responsibility for our actions in the present moment, as we are constantly creating Karma. Every action, thought, and word creates Karma.

Positive actions create positive Karma, leading to positive life experiences and can even purify negative Karma. The opposite is, of course, also true. By understanding and taking responsibility for our actions, we can improve our present and future experiences and lead a more fulfilling life.

Epigenetics and Ancestral Karma

Ancestral karma is the belief that actions taken by our ancestors have an impact on us today. For example, if your great-great uncle committed a violent act, that karma could be passed down through generations. Alternatively, patterns of addiction, abuse, trauma, and fear can be transmitted through the lineage. Behaviors learned from one's parents or grandparents can be a continuation of these patterns.

Epigenetics and ancestral karma may be interconnected through SNPs, which are genetic variations that can predispose individuals to certain conditions, such as addiction. These variations are inherited from previous generations, just like behavior patterns. For instance, if a grandfather was an alcoholic and a mother was an addict, an individual may be more prone to addiction due to a genetic SNP. However, environment and behavior contribute to the manifestation of karma.

By understanding genetic predispositions, an individual can gain insight into their struggles with addiction or other challenges. This knowledge may lead to healing, forgiveness, and the beginning of a journey towards recovery from personal struggles.

Healing Ancestral Karma

It's easy to feel overwhelmed when you begin to examine your family's behaviors and the potential impact of genetic analysis on your life. However, healing ancestral karma can be broken down into two parts: physical and spiritual.

In Kundalini Yoga, it's believed that healing one's soul can liberate seven generations both forward and back. This has been true in my own journey as well. By understanding my genetics and healing my illness, I've inspired my mother, niece, sister, and brother to explore their own genetic information and make profound changes in their lives. As a medium, I've also connected with generations of women in my family to better understand their challenges and help them move forward, even after they've passed on. As a result, the children in my family now have the potential to experience a better quality of life because we have the knowledge to support their genetic predispositions.

Healing through Physical Practice

The physical practice of healing ancestral karma involves obtaining information about your genetics and taking action to address any predispositions you may have. I strongly recommend conducting a genome analysis, which can identify your SNP's and uncover your predispositions. This information can be used to support health and vitality through diet and environment. I recommend seeking out professionals through Dr. Ben Lynch's website,, or an epigenetics specialist who is knowledgeable and accessible.

Through years of mediumship events, I realized that my work not only helps the living move through grief but can also result in powerful ancestral healing. I am honored to facilitate this process through communication with those who have passed on. A single message can potentially heal an entire family, making this work a profound opportunity for healing and growth. By combining epigenetics, DNA analysis, and knowledge of family history, individuals can experience transformative healing and positive changes in their relationships, health, and overall well-being.

My partner toolbox genomics

I have chosen to partner with Toolbox Genomics for DNA testing for my clients because of their comprehensive and personalized approach to data interpretation. Toolbox Genomics utilizes genetic data generated by a CLIA/CAPP certified lab, comparing it against hundreds of significant genetic markers identified by their research team. The inclusion of a questionnaire during account creation further enhances the personalization of the genetic report. It's crucial to recognize that genetics serve as a potential foundation, not a definitive determinant of individual characteristics. Toolbox Genomics acknowledges the dynamic interaction between genes and the environment, emphasizing that how genes are expressed relies on these interactions. The commitment to providing highly personalized and actionable recommendations, grounded in the latest research, sets Toolbox Genomics apart. The consideration of factors like gender and ethnicity in the analysis ensures a nuanced approach, recognizing variability in scientific findings among different populations. The transparency in reporting, particularly in differentiating between tested genotypes and providing recommendations based on known risk variants, demonstrates a commitment to delivering meaningful insights to guide individuals in navigating their unique genetic predispositions. This aligns perfectly with my goal of offering clients tailored and actionable genetic information for their well-being.

Work with Me

My Point of Conception Package includes Genome Analysis and Ancestral Alignment. We get started in month one by sharing your physical, spiritual, & emotional health journey in a 90-minute intake and submission for your genome analysis.

In month two we will build your biotransformation strategy in a 60-minute appointment.

In month three we will meet to discuss the results of your genome analysis and refine your biotransformation strategy in a 60-minute appointment.

In month four we will meet to discuss your ancestral alignment and soul purpose and how this relates to your genome and initial intake.

We will then meet for 60-minutes in month 5 and 6 to follow up on self-inquiry homework, refinement of your biotransformation strategy, and coaching through your challenges.

My Point of Conception package includes:

• 60-minute Functional Ayurveda Intake

• Genome Analysis ($300 value)

• 60-minute Session to review test results

• 60-minute Biotransformation Strategy

• 60-minute Ancestral Alignment + Document

• 2 60-Minute Follow Up Appointments

• Total of 360 minutes

• Includes all-access to the VIP Portal for 3 months to support you in your journey of wholeness

• Package price $1333 Paid in 3 payments of $444.33



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